Announcing TNFIS Partnership With JEC’s Startup Booster – The Largest International Startup Competition In The Composites Field

At The Nordic Frugal Innovation Society, we are committed in bringing together innovative minds from all over the globe including businesses from startups to SMEs to Multi-Nationals to co-create solutions that we term as “affordable excellence” using “new tech-low cost” and innovative business model approaches. Now, we are excited to announce our partnership for Startup Booster 2018 with JEC Group, the largest composite focussed organisation in the world.
JEC Startup Booster 2018 is a program designed to source & to filter innovations in the composites field.

Are you an entrepreneur with an innovative project, a SME, a Startup – including academic spinoffs?

Do you want to meet the world leaders in the composites industry to bring you to the next level?

Is your project is in the following categories? :

– Process:
  • Design
  • Manufacturing
  • Digitalization/Industry 4.0
– Materials & Products:
  • New composites materials including hybrid materials, bio-sourcing and intelligent composites
  • New applications and markets for composites
10 startups will be selected to pitch in front of a jury of experts and leading industry players at JEC World. They will also benefit from :
  • A presence on the Startup Village booth
  • A large communication plan: JEC Group Media + 5 700 targeted journalists + 1 500 international trade magazines
  • A personal coaching for your executive pitch before the show
  • A direct access to the jury members and the main innovation partners teams from Airbus and Daimler
  • Mentoring sessions during the show with industry experts
3 Winners will be announced at the show after the pitch session and will get the following additional advantages:
  • 3 500€ financial price each
  • A fully equipped booth at JEC World 2019 (Value: 10,000€)
  • An advertising page in the JEC World PREVIEW magazine, sent to over 80K contacts (Value: 2,800€)
  • 4 full invitation packages for JEC World 2019, including the 3-day conference courses (Value: 1,600€)
  • Selection will be made by JEC in cooperation with the main Innovation Partners, including AIRBUS and DAIMLER
The Startups that are not selected will also all be invited to JEC World 2018 with an unlimited access to the Startup Village Program: meet the jury sessions, mentoring sessions, networking activities with key industry players… The whole program will be communicated by November 2017.
Don’t miss this unique business opportunity, apply now.
Your agenda:
  • Opening of the submissions: July 5th 2017
  • Submissions deadline: December 15th 2017
  • Announcement of the 10 selected startups by January 8th 2018
  • The show: 6 – 7 – 8 March 2018, Paris Nord Villepinte
All what you need to know about JEC World:

The Nordic Frugal Innovation Society is a non-profit based in Finland. We are involved in creating long term programs using “Systems Thinking” & “Design Thinking” benefiting emerging economies as well as the developed world to co-create solutions that can be termed as “affordable excellence” and “new tech-low cost”. We are currently active in the following areas:
– Product Design & Development- Help businesses diversify their offerings to grow, especially in emerging markets
– InnoFrugal – Our flagship annual conference to co-create a frugal ecosystem in the Nordics.
– Trainings & Workshops – Frugal Innovation ideation, strategy, business modeling, and leveraging processes like Circular Economy, DIY, Open Innovation, Social Enterprise, Lean Methodology, BioDesign etc
– Impact Investing – Facilitate matchmaking between startups, SMEs, non-profits and Impact funds
With a network of 250,000 professionals, JEC Group is the largest composite organization in the world. It represents, promotes and helps develop composite markets by providing global and local networking and information services. For the past 20 years, JEC has achieved continuous growth and acquired an international reputation. It has opened offices in North America and Asia. The Company is entirely owned by the non-profit Center for the Promotion of Composites. JEC Group’s policy is to systematically invest its profits in the creation of new services to benefit the industry. After successfully winning over the composites industry, JEC Group is now enlarging its scope to the next segment of the value chain, i.e. manufacturers and end-users.
Through Knowledge and Networking, JEC’s experts offer a comprehensive service package: the JEC publications – including strategic studies, technical books and the JEC Composites Magazine – the weekly international e-letter World Market News and the French e-letter JEC Info Composites. JEC also organizes the JEC World Show in Paris – the world’s largest composites show, five times bigger than any other composites exhibition – JEC Asia in South Korea and the Future of Composites in Construction in Chicago; the Web Hub; the JEC Composites Conferences, Forums and Workshops in Paris, Singapore, Chicago and Knoxville and the JEC Innovation Awards program (Europe, Asia, America, India and China). The composite industry employs 550,000 professionals worldwide, generating 79 billion EUR worth of business in 2016.